

真的是很美的一首歌曲,帶點感傷,很早以前買了沙拉布萊曼的專輯時,就深深愛上這首歌,今天在聽倫敦首演版phantom Michael Crawford的專輯時,不知怎地又想到這首歌。從Youtube抓下兩個版本,第一個是沙拉布萊曼的版本,第二個版本是Liz Callaway,說真的,第二個版本唱的真是他媽的棒,太有感情了,聲音控制大小也適中。

這首歌是音樂劇The Baker's Wife裡的一首,雖然我對這齣音樂劇不熟,但單是這首歌,自己就是一個故事了。這也是音樂劇吸引人的地方,每首歌曲都帶著一個故事,一個情節,讓人覺得很有fu。順便貼上歌詞,跟大家分享,很傷感的一個故事,今天懶得翻英文,麻煩各位看官自己看,大概是說一個國王養了一隻瞎眼的雲雀,雲雀的歌聲是天籟,國王對她疼愛有加,有天太陽神不小心在河邊聽到雲雀歌聲,被深深吸引,歡心下賜給雲雀能重見光明的雙眼,然後要求雲雀跟他走,但雲雀不從,她不想傷害疼愛她的國王,所以她選擇留下,結果國王再看到雲雀時,她已經死了。

When I was a girl, I had a favourite story
Of the meadowlark who lived where the rivers wind
Her voice could match the angels' in its glory,
But she was blind,
The lark was blind.

An old king came and took her to his palace,
Where the walls were burnished bronze and golden braid,
And he fed her fruit and nuts from an ivory chalice and he prayed

"Sing for me, my meadowlark
Sing for me of the silver morning.
Set me free, my meadowlark
And I'll buy you a priceless jewel,
And cloth of brocade and crewel,
And I'll love you for life if you will
Sing for me."

Than one day as the lark sang by the water
The god of the sun heard her in his flight
And her singing moved him so, he came and brought her
The gift of sight,
He gave her sight.
And she opened her eyes to the shimmer and the splendour
Of this beautiful young god, so proud and strong
And he called to the lark in a voice both rough and tender,
"Come along,

Fly with me, my meadowlark,
Fly with me on the silver morning.
Past the sea where the dolphins bark,
We will dance on the coral beaches,
Make a feast of the plums and peaches,
Just as far as your vision reaches,
Fly with me."

But the meadowlark said no,
For the old king loved her so,
She couldn't bear to wound his pride.
So the sun god flew away and when the king came down that day,
He found his meadowlark had died.
Every time I heard that part I cried.

And now I stand here, starry-eyed and stormy.
Oh, just when I thought my heart was finally numb,
A beautiful young man appears before me
Singing "Come
Oh, won't you come?"
And what can I do if finally for the first time
The one I'm burning for returns the glow?
If love has come at last it's picked the worst time
Still I know
I've got to go.

Fly away, meadowlark.
Fly away in the silver morning.
If I stay, I'll grow to curse the dark,
So it's off where the days won't bind me.
I know I leave wounds behind me,
But I won't let tomorrow find me
Back this way.

Before my past once again can blind me,
Fly away.

And we won't wait to say goodbye,
My beautiful young man and I.

    創作者 芳療師 的頭像


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